Study Shows Mediterranean Diet Lowers Risk of Cognitive Impairment

Pasta is a basic component of a Mediterranean Diet combining with other health giving ingredients like seafood, greens and nuts to complete a nutritious dish. A recent study shows that those who follow a Mediterranean Diet or partake of similar nutritious food, as a lifestyle, reduce their risk of developing cognitive impairment as they age.

According to the study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a lifestyle of eating Mediterranean Diet can also improve an individual’s performance as demonstrated by participants in cognitive function tests.

How the NHI Researchers Proved the Benefits of Mediterranean Diet to Brain Health

The respondents of the NHI study comprised 9,000 participants of the two major studies of age-related eye disease called AREDS and AREDS 2. Researchers from the institute examined the devotion of the participants in maintaining their Mediterranean diet; consisting of nine major food ingredients, namely: fish, fruits, nuts, vegetables, legumes, olive oil and whole grains. In addition, their lifestyle included consuming less alcohol and red meat.

After gathering the necessary data, the researchers compared it to the results of the standardized cognitive function tests conducted during a 10-year period. The findings disclosed that those who were constant and dedicated to the Mediterranean Diet had lower cognitive impairment and had the most defense against brain health issues. .

Another important information discovered by the research is that fish ingredients had the most significant contribution in promoting higher cognitive function and in combating steady cognitive decline. Still, the NHI researchers believe that the results of their study would have more significance if a larger population level will follow the Mediterranean Diet as part of their lifestyle.