Fresh Fish Head Sauce And Pasta

We went out fishing to test out the new fishing gears we got from Catskillfishing. You can check out surf rods review before purchasing the gears you need. Without so much ado, I ended catching a nice medium-size salmon. Since we are spending the night on the boat and decided to bring home the meat and cook the head, I decided to look through the internet for a good fish sauce recipe for pasta.

Italian Pasta with Fresh Salmon

I flipped through Italian cooking styles on the net. I located a good fish-head sauce recipe and started following the instructions step by step. The boat was limited with cooking utensils so I just settled on the largest pan I can find and sauteed the garlic and onions we brought to the trip.

As soon as the onions and garlic become golden brown, I removed the spices from the pan, set them aside and laid the fish in the pan next. I turned the burner to high heat and flipped the head from side to side until they look nicely cooked. Then I scooped the fish head out and lay it next to my spices. While cooking the fish head, good chunks of meat slide out of the head while frying them on the pan, that too, I set aside.

I reheat the pan and placed the spices (onions and garlic) and fish head back to the pan and sauteed them real good together. This time though, I haven’t added the good fish meat that came apart while frying ’em. And while in the process of sauteeing the ingredients together, the mix became gelatinous. My source said it was normal.

Then I combined the rest of the ingredients into the pan – simmered tomatoes, parsley, and some water (just enough to loosen the thickness the gelatinous mixture). In addition to water, I added a little white wine. Soon after, the mixture looked delicious with its red and savory color. Then I added the good fish meat in. After simmering, it was chow time.

The mix of pasta and the fish-head sauce was delightful. Everyone (five of us) had a really good meal. The rest of the evening was great as we spent the night looking at the night sky with the big round moon giving us light.

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New Study Refutes Claim that Eating Pasta Can Lead to Obesity and Overweight

Based on the new study performed by the nutrition experts of St Michael’s Hospital,showed findings indicating that those who consume pasta as part of low-carb regimen, tend to lose weight instead. The new study, refuted a claim made by researchers at Deakin University in Melbourne, AU, suggesting that increased intakes of pasta, being carbohydrate-rich foods, can lead to obesity and overweight.

The lead author of the hospital study, Dr. John Sievenpiper, remarked that

”Eating pasta does not necessarily contribute to increased body fat and subsequent weight gain” — “on the contrary, the results of our analysis indicated that eating pasta, if consumed under a low-Glycemic Index regimen, can even lead to a small weight loss.


Pasta as a Potential Driver of Weight Loss

Dr Sievenpiper further explained that pasta as a source of carbohydrate has a low-Glycemic Index (GI). This denotes that it tends to increase blood sugar levels at a slower pace when compared to other nutrition sources of refined carbohydrates like bread or rice.

The St. Michael Hospital’s study included observations of individuals who ate around 3.3 servings of pasta every week as regular alternative to carbo-rich foods. The participants were able to maintain a low GI, as well as showed small weight loss.

According to Rhiannon Lambert A top registered nutritionist of a leading private nutrition clinic in London, people have a misconception that they need to cut down on carbs-rich food when attempting to lose weight.

She argues that losing weight is as simple as sticking to a diet tailored to one’s needs. At the same time, they should increase exercise or physical activities that will burn off more calories in amounts that exceed calorie intakes.

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