Tips To Become a Successful Food Blogger


So, there is this food that you have and you’re loving it because it is one of my favorite MyRemoteGigs, but you’ve entered a plateau. You aren’t seeing those figures rise as you hoped. Today I’m giving advice to further attract your readers, generate more loyal visitors, increasing traffic, writing the best potential content, and how to transform your food blog into enjoyable, inviting community.

1) Build a Connection

Isn’t that what creating content is all about? Establishing connections. I can’t recall how many readers have sent an email, tweeted, and messaged me saying that find comfort in reading my blogs. In a friendly way of course. I try to style my writing and social media content in similar way I am talking to a friend. What I write is exactly how I deal with my friends. Run-on sentences, nonsentences, and exclamation points. I always use the third person YOU. This is because “you” is one of the most compelling words in the English language.

2) Be Alert and Present

This is the most important. we would not be without the readers. When you have a question, try your best to answer them. Give your readers options to ingredients, take their recommendations, listen to them, offer discounts, start a Facebook group and engage in the discussions. They take the time to read your blog, so take the time for them. In this way, you will show them that you are exerting effort in building personal connection and acknowledging their ideas.

3) Content is King

Come up with the best quality content you can and talk about what you fancy. Your visitors can tell the difference when a writer writes about something because it’s what they enjoy the most compared to someone who writes about it simply because they need to. There’s no instant formula or trick here, just write about what you love about. I genuinely like being in my kitchen, colors sprinkles, baking oatmeal wafers, and eating apple pie, so that’s why I write about them.